Monday, May 18, 2020

Essay on Cause and Effect Solar Energy - 668 Words

Cause/Effect: Solar Energy Solar radiation is an energy resource many times larger than mankind’s energy needs. Mankind has been able to capture/harness this energy resource, but only on a limited scale. Mankind has found that the use of the sun was quite useful. They used it to grow and dry crops, dry clothing, produce heat, and for light. The sun is a sphere, on the inside of the sun there is a continuous process of fusion in which hydrogen nuclei combine to from helium nuclei. There is less helium than that of hydrogen, which allows the sun to create energy. The energy is then radiated out of the surface of the sun, in which only a small portion is intercepted by plant earth. Just outside of the earth’s atmosphere, approximately 93†¦show more content†¦In order to stop the damage that is being done to the environment, we need to switch to an environmentally friendly energy production system. If we do not switch, the current facilities who rely mainly on foss il fuels, will continue to destroy the earth because they are leaving behind toxic residues and wasteful by products that will have to be dealt with for many years. The future lies with systems that eliminate these toxic and wasteful by products. Only by switching to fully renewable energy systems will humanity be free of these toxins. With our current technology and the expanding knowledge of tomorrow, wind turbines have a 30 year life span. The effort used to run these turbines is lower than the use of traditional power plants. Using wind energy to power turbines instead of plants using fossil fuels for energy will reduce the overall impact of the U.S. Energy production. The before mentioned solar panel has a life expectancy of approximately 25 years. The total cost per kilowatt is way lower for solar panels than that of fossil fueled based power plants. These panels, once installed, need little to no maintenance. There is no monthly bill or added fees. Just like wind energy, sola r energy is completely sustainable and they do not produce any physical by products. I believe that wind and solar energy is the perfect solution to the future of preserving the earth’s environment. Our environment is turningShow MoreRelatedHow Long Can We Continue Using Fossil Fuels Without Detrimental1322 Words   |  6 Pagesdetrimental effects? With every passing moment our planet is slowly becoming contaminated with the fossil fuels we use and the green house gases they emit. Not only do fossil fuels contaminate the planet we live in, but they also cannot be replenished and will run out eventually. We cannot reverse these effects, however i think there is one alternative energy source that scientists have been working on that can be incorporated to reduce the damage. 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